Robust Legal Framework For Offshore Banking

Dubai Offshore Bank Account

Ever wondered about the banking landscape in the UAE? Well, it’s vibrant and diverse, with two main types of banks: Locally Incorporated Banks and Branches of Foreign Banks. Picture this: there are 23 homegrown banks and 28 branches of international banks dotting the financial landscape (that’s as of 2016). Now, what keeps this financial dance in check? That’s where the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates steps in. They’re the guardians of financial stability, making sure all these institutions are on solid ground. So, when it comes to banking in the UAE, you’re in trusted hands.

Open Offshore Business Bank Account Online in Dubai - UAE

What is Offshore Banking and Why is It Important in Any Business?

Dubai’s booming economy and strategic location make it a magnet for global business. Opening an offshore bank account here is like unlocking a door to international financial opportunities. Now, let’s talk offshore banking. It’s like having a secret vault in the heart of Dubai, but with all the perks of global access. Offshore banking in Dubai isn’t just for the big shots; it’s for anyone looking to spread their financial wings and tap into international markets. Whether you’re an individual investor or a corporate player, Dubai offers two main options:
  1. Offshore accounts for individuals.
  2. Offshore accounts for corporates.
It’s a chance to tap into Dubai’s thriving financial scene and enjoy the perks of a favorable tax environment and robust banking infrastructure.

Benefits of Opening an Offshore Bank Account in Dubai

The benefits of opening an offshore bank account in Dubai are compelling reasons for entrepreneurs to consider this option:

Tax Policies

Financial Privacy

Asset Protection

Expansion of Investments

Currency Expansion

Business Transaction Facilities

Wealth Management Services

How can Our Corporate Services Dubai support you?

We’re here to navigate you through the process and assist you in preparing all the required documentation for your account application. Our fees for overseeing the account opening procedures begin at US$1,500. Please note that this does not cover the expenses for any extra notarized documents that a specific bank might request.

Steps For Opening a Company Bank Account in Dubai

It is essential to manage your finances in order to get your business going in the UAE. Here are the steps that you can follow to get your corporate bank account opened

Noor Bank

  • Renowned international bank with a global presence.
  • Allows regular trading, asset holding, and investment.
  • Permits multiple currency accounts.
  • Requires the account holder to be present in the UAE.

Emirates Islamic Bank

  • Leading Sharia-compliant bank in Dubai.
  • Enables global transfers with corporate account options and internet banking facilities.
  • Supports multiple currencies like AED, EURO, and USD.
  • Mandates physical presence in the UAE.

Emirates NBD

  • One of Dubai’s premier offshore banks.
  • Allows asset holding, investment, and accumulation.
  • Offers accounts in multiple currencies.
  • Operational costs are moderate.

RAK Bank

  • Popular offshore bank facilitating international transfers.
  • Provides corporate accounts with internet banking features.
  • Supports multi-currency accounts including AED, USD, EURO, etc.
  • Requires physical presence in the UAE for account opening.

Commercial Bank International

  • Renowned Middle Eastern bank allowing global transfers.
  • Permits investment, regular trading, and asset holding.
  • Operational costs are average.
  • Requires physical presence in the UAE for opening an account.

Documents Required for Opening an Offshore Bank Account in Dubai

List of essential documents to open a corporate bank account in Dubai

Note: The necessary documents for opening an offshore bank account in Dubai will differ based on the bank and the corporate structure of the company. Companies with corporate shareholders located outside the UAE will typically need to notarize and attest all parent company documents both in the country of origin and again in the UAE.

Steps of Opening an Offshore Bank Account in Dubai

To open an offshore bank account in Dubai, the account holder should follow these steps to ensure compliance and smooth business operations:

i) Research and Selection:

Research various banks, considering factors like reputation, fees, account types, and services provided.

ii) Verify Eligibility:

Ensure eligibility by meeting all bank conditions and providing required application forms and personal documents.

iii) Apply for the Account:

Apply in person or online as per the bank’s requirements, filling out the application form accurately.

iv) Submit Documents

Submit necessary documents like client profile, articles of association, certificate of incumbency, memorandum of association, company brochure, certificate of good standing, bank passbook, and documents certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

v) Complete KYC:

Complete Know Your Customer (KYC) process, providing credit history report, proof of residency, proof of identity, and proof of wealth.

vi) Due Diligence and Verification:

Banks conduct due diligence to verify the information provided and ensure compliance with government standards.

vii) Pay Initial Deposits:

After approval, deposit funds into the offshore bank account.

viii) Maintain Compliance:

Adhere to local laws, bank regulations, and government authorities’ requirements during application, approval, and usage of the account.

Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, in most cases. However, banks often limit the facilities available to non-residents, typically allowing only the use of internet banking for online transfers. Credit or debit cards are usually not provided for non-residents.

Most local banks require a minimum balance, varying depending on the bank and account type. Typically, the average monthly balance should range between AED 20,000 (approx. US$ 5500) and AED 150,000. Falling below this amount may incur nominal fees.

There's no set timeframe as each bank has its own procedure. It generally takes around 2 to 4 weeks to open a bank account for an LLC or Free Zone company in the UAE. However, this isn't guaranteed, especially for Offshore Companies, due to internal compliance and management approval.

We collaborate with most commercial banks in the UAE and several local private banks. For those not needing a local bank, we partner with international banks in the Caribbean (St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines), Mauritius, Malta, Isle of Man, Singapore, and Qatar. These banks offer multi-currency accounts and banking via internet, telephone, or fax. Debit cards are available depending on the account type.

Yes, for account openings in the UAE. We have agreements with offshore banks where we obtain client signatures and verify authenticity. However, all required information and documents must be provided by the client.

As the corporate director, we assume full control of the company's bank accounts. We provide multiple authorized signatories to ensure banking requirements are met, even if your dedicated administrator is on leave. This relationship is governed by our standard Terms and Conditions of business, with authorized signatories acting only upon express written consent and instructions from the beneficial owner.

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